
Friday, November 11, 2011

'Til we meet again

I never had a chance to know you more personally; and didn't even had the chance to talk to you even once. But I'm thanking you for making the people I know happy... very happy. And the gesture of friendship you showed me. You  can rest now... watch over us from up there... "us" that's still here. Rest in peace, Yhan.

You will be remembered.

Crying is a form body mechanism attached with our emotion. We can shed tears from extreme happiness or being on a sad state. The pain of loss most probably is the painful state a person could experience. I've seen many... experienced some.

Diane left Thursday night, November 10, 2011. Wiseguy called her back to His home... where pain, hatred, anxiety and anger is none of existence.

I have so little moments with this girl... as in literally.
Just a simple smile as we bump shoulders in the workplace... just that. We got a common friend who is currently in grief. And by that common friend, Yhan added me in her list of friends in a social network site. With that, we got to recognize each other in the corridors and there starts the smile greetings, like, as if we're saying:
"Yhan, thanks sa pag add"
" You're welcome"
Words never came out... just smiles. only smiles.
Just wish I had to know her more... people I know that knows her sheds tears for their loss -- as she leave. I'm sure she's special
I feel for them... reminds me of  Rio [If you happen to see Diane up there, make her company, okay?]

[can't continue]

Rest well.
I know you did great down here.
The next time we bump shoulders again, we should talk a bit more, you owe me a lot of stories.

Bye, Yhan.

'til we meet again.

1 comment:

  1. brilliant. she's in a happy place right now.
